Git Logo

Intro to Git & GitLab

Git Logo

What is Git?

Git is a version Control system for tracking changes in computer files

Why do we need it?

Goals of Git


Everyone can contribute!


Enable large and distributed teams to collaborate


Every change is tracked

The Lingo!


Database where files are stored and managed


The computer that stores your repo


The computer you use to connect to the server

Local Copy

Repo files you keep on your computer to make changes

Server Repo Illustration

More Lingo!


The primary location for code in the repo


An independent line of development


A copy of the repo


Add changes from one file into another

Branching Illustration
Check your computer for Git
							$ git --version
** No need to type in the $, this just indicates it is a shell command.
Download Git Download Git:
Check for a default name Git will use when you commit
								$ git config --list
Set the default name Git will use when you commit
								$ git config --global "First Name Last Name"
Set the default email Git will use when you commit
								$ git config --global ""
** The quotes are necessary! They indicate that the words inside the quotes are a string and not a command.
View your config settings
							$ git config --list
First, let's get our bearings.
							$ ls
If you are in your root directory
you should see something like this.
home directory
If you are not in your root directory, no worries. Run this!
								$ cd ~/
Make your first Git Repo!
							$ mkdir my-first-repo
Move into your new repo
								$ cd my-first-repo
Initialize your repository with Git
								$ git init
Let's check the status of our Git Repo.
							$ git status
Let's create a file and add it to your repo.
							$ touch my-file.txt
View the file by running the list command.
								$ ls
Tell Git to track our file. Then check it's status
								$ git add my-file.txt
								$ git status
Time to commit!
							$ git commit -m "initial commit"

Phew! That was a lot. Let's review !


Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one


Get and set global or repo options


Show the working tree status


Adds the file contents to the index


Add the changes from one file to another, bringing them up-to-date

Let's look at what we've done
							$ git log
							commit [UNIQUE HASH] (HEAD -> master)
							Author: Your Name 
							Date:   [DATE]
								initial commit
Let's make a local mistake .
								$ git checkout my-file.txt
Let's make a staged mistake .
								$ git add my-file.txt
Let's fix it !
								$ git reset HEAD my-file.txt
Let's make a commited mistake .
								$ git add my-file.txt
								$ git commit -m "changing and commiting text"
Let's fix it !
								$ git log
								$ git reset HASH or git reset --hard HASH

Git & GitLab

Git ≠ GitLab


  • GitLab is open source, users can host Git repositories publicly and privately for free.
  • GitLab has one vision. Everyone can contribute to all digital content.
  • Open source projects host or mirror their repositories on GitLab.
  • Post your own code for others to use or contribute to.
  • Use and learn from the code in other people's repositories.

GitLab's Awesome Features

  • Unlimited private projects and collaborators.
  • Built-in CI/CD
  • Preview your changes with Review Apps
  • Publish static websites for free with GitLab Pages
  • Public projects and groups get all gold plan features for free

Setup Account with GitLab

GitLab Sign-in

First look at GitLab

Welcome to GitLab

Add your SSH key

Welcome to GitLab

Check for an existing SSH key

Windows Command Prompt:
								$ type %userprofile%\.ssh\
Git Bash on Windows / GNU/Linux / macOS / PowerShell:
								$ cat ~/.ssh/

Existing SSH key

								➜  ~ cat ~/.ssh/
								ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAA.....

Generate a new SSH key pair

Git Bash on Windows / GNU/Linux / macOS / PowerShell:
								$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096
								Generating public/private rsa key pair.
								Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/yourname/.ssh/id_rsa):


								Created directory '/Users/yourname/.ssh'.
								Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
								Enter same passphrase again:

Your key

								Your identification has been saved in /Users/yourname/.ssh/id_rsa.
								Your public key has been saved in /Users/yourname/.ssh/
								The key fingerprint is:
								The key's randomart image is:
								+--[ RSA 2048]----+
								|      .          |
								| o  +  .         |
								| .  o So B       |
								|  . o +. += + .  |
								|    o .. E +. o  |
								|  . . B . o      |
								|      .o .       |

Copy the public SSH key

								$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
Windows Command Line:
								$ type %userprofile%\.ssh\ | clip
Git Bash on Windows / Windows PowerShell:
								$ cat ~/.ssh/ | clip

Add your key to your profile

Welcome to GitLab

GitLab Groups

WWC Gitlab Group

GitLab Projects

WWC Git Project

Forking a Project

WWC Git Project
Fork screen


Fork screen

Remove Forked Relationship

Remove Forked Relationship
Remove Fork
Confirmation Modal
Fork Modal
Fork Removed


Clone Repo

Clone locally

									$ git clone PASTE SSH HERE
Check clone
									$ ls
Move into the directory
Create a new branch & checkout
									$ git checkout -b BRANCHNAME
Create branch only
									$ git branch BRANCHNAME

Make a change

Open up the file using your favorite code editor.

Check git status
									$ git status
Stage file for tracking
									$ git add
Check status
									$ git status
Time to commit!
									$ git commit -m "details of the change made"
Check status
									$ git status
									On branch [BRANCHNAME]
									Your branch is ahead of 'origin/[BRANCHNAME]' by 1 commit.
										(use "git push" to publish your local commits)
									nothing to commit, working tree clean
Let's push!
									$ git push
									fatal: The current branch test-branch has no upstream branch.
									To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
										git push --set-upstream origin [BRANCHNAME]
Set Origin
									$ git push --set-upstream origin [BRANCHNAME]
									Branch [BRANCHNAME] set up to track remote branch test-branch from origin

Our First Merge Request

Merge Request
Fill in the details
Merge Request
Merge your Merge Request
Merge Request
See your Changes
Merge Request Changes
Merge Confirmation
Checkout Master
								$ git checkout master
Sync with Master
									$ git pull
Check Status
									$ git status